How to Get Involved?
Committees & Organizations

Leadership Mainland 2024
2024 Class Leaders: Alexis Kopp, TCISD Career & Technical Education & Kermit Harris, College of the Mainland
This year-long program helps train, educate and motivate key employees for future leadership roles within the community. Activities include a team-building retreat, trip to the State Capitol, and sessions on Law Enforcement, County Government, the Petrochemical Industry, Economic Development & Tourism, City Government, Education and more. Applications are accepted in the Fall. Each year's program runs from January through December. For more information, contact: or click here.

Women In Business
Chair: April Ciccarello, UTMB Health; Renee Ethridge, Meador Staffing; Doreen Hughes, JPAR, The Sears Group; Anita Jones, Linde, Inc; Mandie McMillan Crowder, RE/MAX Coastal; Amy Reid, SBDC Galveston County; Brandi Jo Smith, Hospitality Health ER
This is a group of diverse and influential women who enjoy building their social and business networks and who are dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of other women through avenues of leadership, education, advocacy and mentoring. New members are always welcome!!
Monthly events include luncheons and after-hours events. This group will also form a committee to judge nominations for the 1st annual "Women in Leadership Awards".
Check the online "Events Calendar" for upcoming dates! For more information click here.

Young Professionals
Council: Dane Grissom, DBG Services; Brittany Rivers, GCH; Kourtney Fanucchi, Anchored Real Estate; Charlie Mascorro, AMOCO FCU; Katie Culbreth, Higginbotham
YP was created to engage young professionals in the community by providing an opportunity to make business connections and become better acquainted with the Texas City–La Marque Chamber and the value of involvement.
Open to people who work in the area ages 21 to 45. Monthly events include luncheons with mentors/speakers, after-hours social events, and volunteer service opportunities. For more information, contact:

Advocacy Committee
Chair: Phil Roberts, Roberts Johnson & Cain and Lavelle Edmondson, Maraton Petroleum
The Chamber Advocacy Group maintains a rapport with Legislative bodies on a local, state and national level for the purpose of receiving input from the community and providing feedback to legislators who represent our needs and interests. Activities include Galveston County Day at the Capitol which provides legislative updates on important issues affecting the local area and businesses.

Education Development
Co-Chairs: Dr. Warren Nichols, College of the Mainland and Dr. Melissa Duarte, Texas City ISD
Supporting a system of education aimed at excellence in the public and private schools and college by awarding scholarships to students from Texas City High School, La Marque High School and College of the Mainland.

Chamber Champs
Chair: Stacey Malbrough, AMOCO Federal Credit Union
These volunteers act as the face of the Chamber in the community by referring new members, attending events, and welcoming new businesses at ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings. They host and serve at the membership ceremonies. They enjoy the rewards of making new contacts, strengthening business relationships. For more information, contact:

Diversity Initiative
The goal of this initiative is to develop intentional plans to cultivate members from diverse businesses and backgrounds. The Chamber will work with Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs) and local civic leaders to foster entrepreneurship and small business success in the community.

Golden Division
Chair: Dom Orozco
Retirees who want to put their years of experience and expertise to use through volunteer service with the Chamber and community. New members are welcome! They include informative speakers, fellowship and refreshments.
For more information email or click here.

Hospitality Alliance
This group is dedicated to getting professionals in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries to network together to exchange ideas, offer mentoring, and promote events in the community. Contact for details on how to get involved!

Non-Profit Community Networking Circle
This group keeps non-profit professionals informed and empowered to create a positive public policy environment that best supports nonprofits in advancing their missions. The sharing of ideas and information is active on the group's Facebook page: TCLM Chamber Nonprofit Community Networking Circle. To get involved, send a request to join today!

Event Volunteers
For the Industrial Trade Show, Shrimp Boil, Golf Tournament, Bayou Fest and more, committees form to plan and implement these special evens. Chamber members are invited to get involved by communicating their specific interests in these various events. Send your interest to Vice President Stefanie Aldrich at