Women In Business
Meets: Monthly
Location: Texas City-La Marque Chamber of Commerce & Other Locations as Determined
Chamber Liaison: Stefanie Aldrich, Vice President
Advisory Council: April Ciccarello, UTMB Health; Renee Ethridge, Meador Staffing; Doreen Hughes, JPAR, The Sears Group; Anita Jones, Linde, Inc; Mandie McMillan Crowder, RE/MAX Coastal; Amy Reid, SBDC Galveston County; Brandi Jo Smith, Hospitality Health ER
A diverse group of women who enjoy building their social and business networks. Monthly events include Ladies Who Lunch and after hours events.
Look for upcoming event dates on the online Events Calendar!
For more information or questions about the Women in Business network contact Vice President, Stefanie Aldrich at stefanie@tclmchamber.com.